The 'low' setting is for slow pans or slow subject movement. The default setting of 'none' is best for single, non-moving subjects like talking heads or inanimate objects. The Motion Estimation drop-down menu provides a choice of none, low and high which are set depending upon the type of clip you are applying the Denoiser filter to. Increasing the Noise Reduction slider does create a smoother output though you don't want to push it too far to avoid excessive smoothing of your subject. At its' default setting it does a good job, especially when there is not much movement by the subject. The Noise Reduction slider, when raised, looks for more noise. There are 3 primary settings when opening the Denoiser controls in the Viewer. With Magic Bullet's Denoiser applied with only the default settings, most of the video noise has disappeared. You can clearly see much video noise both on the carpet to the right and the woman's jacket in the background on the left. This frame was shot in an extremely low light setting with only an onboard light.
The Magic Bullet's Denoiser works by analyzing each video clip and by using motion estimation algorithms to remove noise from even very low light clips without blurring out the subject and softening the image. The fact that Magic Bullet's Denoiser is so easy to use doesn't mean that there aren't parameters that you can use to tweak your image.
Red giant denoiser 3 crashes windows 7 pro#
The interface of Magic Bullet's Denoiser is exactly the same whether you are using it in After Effects of Final Cut Pro so if you are familiar with it in one application you will be able to use it without any changes to your workflow, in the other.
It would have been wiser for the installer to be created only for the applications it was designed to be used in. Oddly enough, Denoiser also installs in Motion but can not be used in that application. The great thing is that the Magic Bullet Denoiser installs and works great at just its own default settings whether you are using Final Cut Pro or Adobe After Effects. Seeing the need for a better tool, Red Giant, a company which produces some of the finest plug-ins for both Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Studio, has recently brought out their own Magic Bullet Denoiser. However, as a result of their use there was definitely some softening of the image. I have tested many 'denoiser' filters and have only found one or two that did a commendable job. Of course there are many other factors that contribute to video noise but the entire focus is where to go from here, when you have footage that simply can't be re-lit or shot. Low light = video noise, there is no doubt of that. Review: - Red Giant's Magic Bullet Denoiser